The first reason is fought when analyzing that no people simply ' ' herdou' ' a philosophical legacy. What they had made was to assume itself of the past, as occurred with the Germans. sees the case of Greece, therefore it is there where the Philosophy finds its origins, what it estimates the inexistence of a philosophical inheritance of which the Greeks if would have used to advantage. Here the author is categorical when proclaiming: ' ' (…) we cannot, mechanically, justify the absence of philosophy in Brazil for the counted fact of not terms with a good influence of Portugal' '. How much to the second cause, the question of the language, we disagree total that the Portuguese is an impediment to the agreement of ' ' subjects elevados' ' objects of the Philosophy.

The translation difficulties if must to the fact of that a German, French or English term, reflects specific a situation and contextualizada, that one definitive moment historical of that place means where it was written. From there if it understands the existence of of course intraduzveis expressions, here it is that they had been created in one determined context and they are, therefore, originals in its respective times and places. It is impossible to transplantar concrete situations. To express the terms, one becomes necessary to understand the context correctly. The mistake consists of the fact of that a language is proper of the people where it is spoken, it states proper of that specific population, and not other people's situations. Thus, existing words and expressions in the Portuguese adequately do not obtain to be translated literally and into the too much languages and vice versa, what it does not undeserve none of the languages. It does not have justification enough to affirm that our native language is inferior how much to the possibilities to create philosophical language.