Archive for יולי, 2018

Aggressive Dogs

As understanding and eliminate the behavior of aggressive dogs the aggression in a dog's behaviour is a normal communication, similar shape in human frustration or anger. Just as in humans, dogs may also develop aggressive behaviors. The variations found in the level of aggression that show, and here is where we see the differences between some breeds of dogs.Although some breeds are born with a greater tendency to aggression, problems usually occur in homes that, without knowing it, or knowingly encourage or stimulate the development of aggressive behavior in dogs. It is important to know what is happening when your dog shows aggression. Biting undesirable strangers entering your House is justified, but if it bites the mailman or you when you want to sit on your favorite sofa, without a doubt, this is something unacceptable.

Basically there are 3 main types of aggression that is shown in the behavior of dogs, namely: dominant aggression possessive aggression territorial aggression in this article only to see the most frequent in my daily practice. 1 Aggression domineering and possessive is one of the most common reasons why dogs can Growl or even bite their owners. This type of behavior does not develop from one moment to another, is always a consequence of interaction with their environment and the owners. The dog has had free access to its position as a leader for some time and then the owner decided to challenge that position of Alpha leader.If your dog is showing aggressive behavior towards you or the members of the family, have to dethrone him in that position of leadership and let him know that he is the more low rank in the family treatment 1. Avoid physical punishment, if it is possible, is too provocative and you can put the dog in a dangerously aggressive attitude. 2 Make a review of the relationship with your dog to determine why your dog is a challenge for you.

Fetus During Childbirth

The birth of a baby is a moment of great joy, enthusiasm and hope in the family environment. However, it also entails a certain concern about how will develop childbirth, especially when the mother's pregnancy presents some degree of risk. Currently the medical advances in connection with childbirth have allowed that, in most cases, it can develop without complications, having significantly reduced the deaths of children at birth in most countries. However, it is convenient to not forget in any case it is a certainly delicate moment, in which any incident that behave the slightest damage on child-sensitive areas such as the head or his back could lead to serious and permanent sequelae that redesigned him during its development. Brain injury in the newborn. Cerebral palsy one of the major injuries to the newly born consists of cerebral palsy. It is a disorder that affects to the mobility, muscle tone and posture, being caused by injuries sustained in the cerebral cortex. For the most part, these cases of cerebral palsy in babies caused by circumstances that take place during its development in the interior of the mother in the gestation stage.

They occur between 8 and 12% of cases at the time of childbirth, and around the remaining 10% is given after the same, due to circumstances such as meningitis or any trauma or injury suffered by the child. His most recurring symptoms, which are showing greater extent as the child grows, include delays in the small mobility, stiffness in certain members or clumsiness and bluntness when it comes to articulate certain gestures or movements. If it would have been affected as a result of it the baby's neck, it might have serious problems to hold his head. It is possible through therapy, to mitigate some of these terrible consequences, allowing a little more normal development. Some hospitals have to do so in special areas to allow healing of children. When behind these cases a duty of facultative physicians who attend childbirth medical negligence is care for the mother and the child, making sure that none of them suffers any damage in a time sensitive like that. So, if by any act or omission not diligent or undue injury is caused to the newly born at this time, could understood that the optional which caused it incurred a compensable medical negligence, being possible from there lodged a claim, which is intended to compensate for the damages and damages. Such cases are certainly complex, because sometimes the complications that arise during childbirth itself do not respond to human error from medical professionals that attended it, in which case the injuries sustained by the newborn are, in some ways, inevitable.

To determine if the situation suffered could go for one or another cause, Council and advice from a lawyer concerning liability for injury expert will be essential. In a situation so traumatic as this you must stay calm and try to act in a judicious way. This will allow you to be better ready when facing the arduous process of claim that awaits you.

World Affairs

Leading children: they are born or made? Apparently, some people are born to be leaders, but scientists have no doubt that most needs possess and develop skills that will enable them to gain the trust of others. Although some children are accepted more easily by their peers that could make them more apt to become tomorrow's leaders still need cultivate the qualities that all Guide: confidence, charisma and aptitude for the role that others delegated. Raising a child without highlight social and cultural differences of those around it make it forming tolerant and respectful, considered fundamental qualities to lead a group. For the child to develop these virtues is recommended to parents to talk constantly with their children on issues of World Affairs, giving them to understand the problems of people in other countries are as important as those who suffer from them and thus grow their desire to help and guidance to their peers. The parents of a leading child must be analyzed along with the positive side of his leadership quality and show you what you can get if you channeled well its ability to mobilize others. To achieve this, – parents should guide him – for example – on the theme of solidarity, so that you always have present to others and you can understand that through their leadership capacity, it is possible to help people who need it and serve at the same time to the society. Independence is another important quality of a leader and why it is recommended to not be press children that they choose a particular career, but they encourage them to be the best in what you choose and commit themselves to get ahead, remember that not all people have to be doctors or lawyers, a boy may choose to be a teacher if you really like him and become the best. As being a leader means responsibility, should teach children from small to think about the consequences of their acts with practical examples, if you teach a child to use the card of credit is spent much more that paying cash, you will learn to think about the consequences in the future and will be more responsible and mature. From 3 years children begin to interact in Group and gradually learn to play and share with other children of their age. This period is marked by a strong sense of egocentrism and sense of ownership, very normal and expected for this stage of development but the origin of negative leadership isn't in the own resources of the child's personality, but takes place in an emotional deficiency.